Thank You | Nehemiah 12:44-47

7 months ago

On that day men were appointed over the storerooms, the contributions, the firstfruits, and the tithes, to gather into them the portions required by the Law for the priests and for the Levites according to the fields of the towns, for Judah rejoiced over the priests and the Levites who ministered. And they performed the service of their God and the service of purification, as did the singers and the gatekeepers, according to the command of David and his son Solomon. For long ago in the days of David and Asaph there were directors of the singers, and there were songs of praise and thanksgiving to God. And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah gave the daily portions for the singers and the gatekeepers; and they set apart that which was for the Levites; and the Levites set apart that which was for the sons of Aaron. — Nehemiah 12:44-47

CALL OUT: To David Keck, some of our listeners and financial partners from Augusta, GA. I recently had the privilege of praying with and for David and his family. I am so glad you are feeling better and excited you are serving at our next Leadership Training Event in Florida. And, by the way, if you are interested in getting trained to lead in men's ministry and take your ministry leadership to the next level, check out Forged. There is a link above. Every attendee will receive a copy of our new men's ministry leadership book at this event.

This text tells us that the celebration of the rededication of the wall is about more than just a celebration of a wall. It is celebrating all those who performed ministry in service to God.

It's clear as we have read through this book that Temple service, special celebrations, scriptural teaching, and sacrificial offerings were greatly neglected or nonexistent since Israel's exile. But with this return, some critical spiritual things were put back in place, which is what the people of God wanted. The rebuilding of the wall was just a few stones that aided in rebuilding something far more important to the people—the restoration and re-establishment of their relationship with God.

This is where building projects and sometimes entire ministries go awry. They start a project because they have a passion for God, but along the way, their passion is lost because all they can think about is the project. By the time they get done, there is so much carnage and mission drift that the celebration is lost because they took their eyes off the purpose—God and his glory.

Nehemiah never loses sight of this. His goal from beginning to end is God. All he sees is God's glory, which is why the obstacles he faces are so small to him. Therefore, when he arrives at this moment, the people finally see Nehemiah's real goal and purpose—the complete re-establishment of the worship of God. So, at this celebration, he appointed men of the cloth to ministry. And as we read, the people were very thankful.

We should celebrate, support, and thank those who work in the ministry who keep us focused on the glory of God. So do that today. Tell someone who works in ministry who has kept you pointed north, "Thank you," and be sincere. You might be shocked. Hearing this is more rare than you realize.

#MinistryFocus #RestoringWorship #PurposeInMinistry #GodsGlory #Nehemiah #MinistryAppreciation #CelebratingService #ReestablishingFaith #KeepingTheFaith #ThankfulInMinistry


In your own life or ministry, how can you ensure that the focus remains on God's glory, just as Nehemiah did during the rebuilding process? What steps can you take to prevent mission drift and stay true to your purpose?
Think of someone in ministry who has played a significant role in keeping you focused on God's glory. How can you express genuine gratitude to them today? What impact could your appreciation have on their service and your spiritual journey?

DO THIS: Tell a ministry worker thank you!

PRAY THIS: Father, help me stay unwavering in my commitment to keep my eyes fixed on Your glory in all I do, just as Nehemiah did. Thank You for the dedicated servants in ministry who continually guide me toward You; may I express my gratitude and support for them in meaningful ways. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Thank You.

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