Australian Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage

4 months ago

In today’s video I will be reading the 1st page of the Foreword of “Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage by Dick Yardley”. Dick and Many other researchers have been researching and learning for over 30 years, to uncover the Truth on how These Purported Politicians and Political Parties have side stepped Our Primary Law. Dick has compiled facts into the book, with links to evidence, which you will be able to download for free (below), as all this information is FREE to everyone.
We will never ask the People for their Money, unlike some, that are trying to make riches off the People, some People sell these books in a paper copy, for $77, even though they pay less than $10 per book to be printed and delivered, and $15 for the PDF version, all with added content that is not from Dick Yardley. Dick has never taken or asked for one cent for the book.
We are trying to make this Factual Information easier for People to Comprehend, and this is no easy task, as we should NOT have to be doing any of this, this is why OUR forefathers came together at Federation and Created OUR Primary Law, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted, NOT to control The People, But to Control the Parliament and Government of The Commonwealth and keep them in check.
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