Ed The Techie & Ant Critchley on The Abi Roberts Show - 02 February 2024

5 months ago

On today's show, Ed The Techie discusses Rishi Sunak's claims in Parliament regarding the safety of Covid vaccines.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Ed is a techie by day and a memer by night, a self-confessed Twitter addict, a fan of seagulls, and a member of the Freedom Movement. He lives in Brighton but spent most of his formative years in Europe and Africa.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: In 2012, Ant had what could be described as a 'Spiritual Awakening,' guided by synchronicities involving the numbers 1111. This journey led him to learn about how the world operates, with a focus on enslaving the human race through fear, corruption, and greed.

During this period, Ant's partner fell seriously ill, and as a family, they experienced firsthand how 'big pharma' prioritizes profit over curing, nearly resulting in her losing her life due to prescribed medications.

On March 20, 2020 (the day when pubs were closed), Ant became a landlord of The Crown (corona) in a picturesque village in Lancashire, driven by his awakening experiences and the belief that it was all nonsense. Despite numerous challenges, including hosting three outdoor festivals and weekly 'Truther Tuesday' freedom events, the pub became a haven for those affected by the tyranny imposed on the population, helping them avoid losing their homes, businesses, and livelihoods by the end of 2021.

Unfortunately, the loss of the business took a toll on Ant, leading to a nervous breakdown in 2022 and unemployment. Working on various projects with the hope of inspiring others and seeking more answers on the quest for truth, Ant and his partner hosted another 'Freedom Festival' in Lancashire in the summer of 2023.

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