LIVE: Shelby Park Fortified with Additional FENCING & Razor Wire - TRUCKERS' Convoy Approaches

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In Eagle Pass, Texas, near the Rio Grande Valley, a significant decrease in illegal crossings has been reported, attributed to Mexico's efforts to slow migrant movement towards the U.S. border. This action is believed to be part of an agreement between President Biden and Mexico's President Manuel Lopez Obrador, aiming to reduce political backlash against Biden's immigration policies. Independent journalist Taylor, from RGB Truth, highlights the transformation of the border area from dense brushland to a more controlled environment, with National Guard presence and concertina wire enhancements. Despite these measures, concerns persist about the effectiveness and humanitarian implications of border management strategies. The piece also touches on broader migration patterns across Central America and the complex dynamics of U.S. immigration policies, reflecting a contentious issue that resonates with many Americans.

#takeourborderback #truckerconvoy #eaglepass

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