We will have to wait until Beaulah Land for perfection. Naples, Fl 2/2/24

1 year ago

Never let it be said that Uncle Ray is afraid of alligators, I play with alligators all the time, I just don't mess with "Meat Head" type alligators. Corrie Billie's Air Boat Rides. I rode my bike a couple miles further to this fun place to see the big gator. I also bought a little alligator for fun and to make some interesting videos for my kids. This is just one, I thought I would share it with all of you as well. Can you imagine a 13-foot gator in the water when you are doing anything in the water???!!!! It has been amazing to me as I travel to visit with friends that everywhere think they have special things that are clearly a blessing in their area, but like anything on this fallen earth, the blessings always come with evidence of the curse. I would have NO PROBLEM jumping into the Mississippi River in the summer or any lake or river in Wisconsin but NOT IN FLORIDA. Alaska is beautiful but hypothermia would kill me in minutes. So, I guess we just have to wait until Beaulah land for everything to be perfect. Naples, Florida 2/2/24 www.mefoundation.world

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