"Benjamin Fulford Update Today February 2, 2024"

4 months ago

[comment] he tells he was been forced into masonry, now he want like take out other masons

[note] BENJAMIN FULFORD aka freeMASONs Artificial Intelligence intels total bullshit show, on other hand he is NOW HONEST PERSON who really try understand BUT STILL IS BLIND TRUST TO FREEMASON INTELS SOURCES HANDLERS, vaxxs was really all bad not fakes, there was also vaxxs with higher dozs poisons toxics how why partly vaxxs was kill people instantly also sarin gas was been used on hospitals to kill people, thats murder, benjamin fulford is been finally wake up, thats what happen when listen freemasons, they are controllers handlers misleaders to slow down all real lightworkers patriots

[all] negative groups plan is wait people die to vaxxs how why you not been seen corporation government predisclosure, they all still try buy time with plans for artificial delay

[know] hybrids lightworkers patriots still listen freemasons spiritworld spriritualism astrology space programs super slaves Artificial Intelligence intels aka DNA manipulation victim level informations why on low frequency longer how all still mix disinfo wrong information lack understanding

[underSTAND] when mainstream media also partly alternative media tells to seek after judgement or after justice thats now alway too late on moment REMEMBER even yeshua jesus was TELL WARN TO NOT JUDGE as after judgement after justice not exist THATS REVENGE NOT REAL JUSTICE NOT REAL JUDGEMENT NOT REAL UNDERSTANDING only realtime reaction only you do better your own best ask also highest help for receive highest help how you do start all your own full work without fear why you not need feel shame guilt judge blame hate what are fear effects, be angry enough to your own situation becase you been step into trap with blind trust with believes from others with paid programmed automatic artificial drama SO DO NOT STAY ON VICTIM LEVEL or you not different from your hate blame shame guilt judge, NOT LOOK BACK NOW OLD SYSTEM IS NOT COMING BACK you need walk out you need also all highest help you can ask receive not less, IS YOUR OWN SUPPORT TO WRONG DIRECTION WHAT KILLS YOU WHEN YOU NOT SURVIVE so look more careful now

[topics] beyond lightworker patritionism


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