7 months ago

An MP from Kenya’s ruling party has let slip - live on TV - what may be the REAL reason the government wants to deploy police units to Haiti.

Nelson Koech, who heads the Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee, was asked what was in it for Nairobi - and didn’t blush when he said: possibly, gold, silver and iridium. He stressed that Haiti was mineral rich, and that Kenya’s help in terms of providing security assistance via boots-on-the-ground policing would be appreciated - and worth Kenya’s while.

Koech’s candid comment is worth bearing in mind next time his boss President Ruto tries to justify sending Kenyan officers to Haiti as an act of brotherly solidarity and altruism.

Indeed, given Kenya’s own security challenges, it needs every cop it can get to police the home front - but access to minerals seems the sort of thing that might prompt the likes of Ruto to sacrifice security at home. (And he needs a boost to the budget, given the expenses he clocks up jet-setting round the world!)

As always, we’d love to know your thoughts on this revelation.

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