Threat of Covid Disease vs Threat of Covid Vaccines Outlined at Royal Commission TOR Inquiry

4 months ago

Dr Ian Brighthope and Dr Julie Sladden, testifying at the Covid Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry on 1 February 2024.

Dr Brighthope outlines the threat of Covid disease to the Australian population, referencing the Great Barrington Declaration ( and Professor John Ioannidis, whose seroprevalence study found the Covid infection fatality rate to be in the vicinity of influenza. This was published in the World Health Organization Bulletin ( in October 2020, at the same time that WHO leaders continued to push the fear narrative in order to promote the needs of their billionaire benefactors who made unprecedented profits from lockdowns and product sales.

Dr Julie Sladden outlines the Australian vaccine adverse events epidemiology which is downplayed by the same leaders who pushed the dangerous-virus narrative in order to maximise product sales.


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