Jesus: The Triumphant Lamb

7 months ago

Jesus: The Triumphant Lamb
And I looked, and behold,
in the midst of the throne . . .
stood a Lamb as though it had been slain.
Revelation 5:6

Jesus is the Triumphant Lamb who was slain to give you victory. When no one else could open the Book of Life, His death gave Him authority to unveil the mysteries of life and of the future. He stands in Heaven with seven crowns, which symbolize His ruling power. He stands complete in the Father’s plan. Because the Triumphant Lamb will complete the Father’s purpose in the last day, He can complete the Father’s purpose in your life for this day. The question is not why sin seems to be so triumphant in the world today; the question is whether you will let Jesus defeat the sin that you face.

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