Iran: US Returning To The Middle East - UK Column

5 months ago

Iran: US Returning To The Middle East
- The Guardian: Iran on high alert: Iran on high alert as Biden mulls response to killing of US servicemen
- Politico: The US pulled resources out of the Middle East. Now it is rethinking that decision
“The Oct. 7 Hamas attack against Israel caught Washington off guard.”
- Al Monitor: Kataib Hezbollah suspends attacks on US bases: Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah announces suspension of attacks against US forces
- The New York Times: Biden's options against Iran—to war or not to war? Biden’s Options Range From Unsatisfying to Risky After American Deaths (Archived)
- Mediaite: Oliver North on Fox News: Hannity Hits Biden on Iran with Guest Who Funneled Weapons to the Country

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