IDF Soldier Confronted A Muslim Live Then THIS HAPPENED! Muhammed Ali

1 year ago

IDF Soldier Confronted A Muslim Live Then THIS HAPPENED! Muhammed Ali
I’m seeing so many Palestinians in the comments saying how they forgive this man and hope that Allah forgives and guides him. What a beautiful people. Islam really is such a religion of peace. I’m so touched by this.
Fantastic dawah. Allahu Akbar. A breathe of fresh air.
In the first minute he appeared, he was an enemy of me and a murderer of my brothers, but at the end of the video he became my brother in Islam, and I pray to God for steadfastness and forgiveness for him, and this is Islam.
welcome to islam brother🥰
I can't describe my feelings when I'm reading palestinians commenting about how they suffered from the IDF soldiers yet they are saying they forgive him and calling him a brother with white heart! What a wonderful people!! They represent the exact morals we learned from Prophet Mohammed PBUH and his companions RA, I swear they are the best of us ❤
I'm proud and VERY happy I'm Muslim and sharing the same identity and language and brotherhood as these beautiful people ❤
May Allah help our families in Palestine and bring them victory sooner 🇵🇸


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