Turbo Cancer!? A Conversation with Radiologist/Oncologist, Dr. William Makis

4 months ago

Cancer rates among professions that were highly vaccinated and boosted looks to correlate with data collected by radiologist/oncologist, Dr. William Makis. In July of 2023, Dr. Makis joined America Emboldened to discuss what he deemed as a “turbo cancer”. A type of aggressive cancer progressing to stage 4 more quickly than a treatment plan could be implemented. During that show Dr. Makis was careful and clear to define that there was no medical terminology for “turbo cancer”, rather, this was a moniker to distinguish a new onset phenomenon being seen throughout the world.

In the months that have followed Dr. Makis has continued his research and found more in the medical community making valuable discoveries. During our interview we covered published research, pre-print, evidence, theories based on the data, and offer a conversation the medical community is too afraid to address. There will only be one way to discern the role of mRNA in these cancer growth documented cases, with open dialogue without censorship. Dr. Makis is on the front lines raising questions of ethics and standards of practice.

To learn more about him after the show, check out his substack: https://substack.com/@makismd
And follow him on X @makisMD

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