Ladies of Another View-02.02.2024

4 months ago

On today's episode of "Ladies of Another View," we're sharing two powerful stories of transformation, faith, and the courage to stand up for deeply held beliefs.

First, we meet Jeffrey Johnston, whose life story is nothing short of remarkable. After more than two decades living as a woman, enduring the complexities of hormone therapy, cosmetic surgeries, and battles with drug addiction, Jeffrey's life took a dramatic turn. The pivotal moment came through a simple yet profound question about his faith. This led Jeffrey on a journey to explore Christianity, culminating in a life-changing encounter with God. This experience brought about a personal transformation, freeing him from drug dependency and steering him towards a path of ministry. Jeffrey's story is a testament to the power of faith and redemption, offering hope and inspiration to all who hear it.

In the second segment, we welcome Dr. Timothy Millea, a respected retired orthopedic surgeon and a leading figure in advocating for the integration of Catholic values in healthcare. As chair of the Catholic Medical Association's Health Care Policy Committee and Conscience Rights Protection Task Force, Dr. Millea is at the forefront of challenging legislation and federal mandates that conflict with Catholic teachings. With a firm commitment to speaking out for what he believes, Dr. Millea works alongside organizations like the Alliance Defending Freedom to safeguard the rights of healthcare professionals to act according to their conscience. His opposition to policies regarding abortion, chemical abortions, end-of-life issues, and transgender matters underlines his dedication to upholding the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person.

Join us on "Ladies of Another View" as we explore these stories of courage, conviction, and the transformative power of faith.


- The struggle of gender identity: internal conflict regarding his gender identity and a return to the gender he was born to be.

- The power of faith and spirituality through encountering a stranger played a role in Jeffrey Johnston's recovery from addiction and gender confusion.

- Doctors concerned about the irreversible harm caused by gender transition treatments, especially when applied to youth in what has become a politicized environment

- Lack of evidence supporting these treatments and the need to protect young people from potential harm.


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