I Am A Victor - Stream Now at IAMAVICTOR.com

10 months ago

You can find more about I am a Victor and watch the film at IAmAVictor.com.
“I Am A Victor", a TakeCharge documentary will be released July 22. TakeCharge is a non-profit organization committed to promoting the idea that the promise of America works, regardless of race or social standing. TakeCharge believes restoring the two-parent family should be a national priority within the black community.
In the 55-minute film, black residents of Twin Cities share stories of their success that were driven by a “victor” mindset as opposed to the mindset of a victim. The documentary starts at the end of the civil rights era with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and tracks the 50-year journey taken by black Americans since that iconic time.
Some took an Afro-centric, secular and political activist journey and others took the path that was taught by their parents and grandparents rooted in the Christian faith. The schism in worldview among black people took root more than 50 years ago under the LBJ administration. As part of the Great Society, the federal government introduced social welfare programs that financially incentivized women to have children as long as they remained unmarried. Residuals of that program exist today.
“We are purposely pushing for a shift in the narrative of popular culture and no longer accepting the idea of communities filled with fatherless homes as an acceptable norm.” said Kendall Qualls, president of TakeCharge.
The message from I Am A Victor leaves the audience with a sense of hope for our country and hope for the future of the black community.

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