Episode #11 - Grab Bag Of Topics (Aired 09/07/23); Steve Taylor's Last Days News

1 year ago

In an effort to take a look at news events and subjects that may have been previously overlooked, Steve Taylor and Anthony Bourque delve into a “grab bag” of topics during today’s broadcast.

Steve and Anthony begin today’s episode with a discussion concerning China, its’ foundering economy and the possible impact on America and the world. From there they move on to next year’s election, the candidates, and the Super Pacs; the formation of, campaign funding schemes, and their manipulation of power.

After briefly revisiting the topic of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Steve and Anthony then participate in a lively and uplifting discussion of the scriptures with a passionate believer that has called in to the broadcast.

The topics of the Omicron virus and the January 6th rally round out the list of subjects to be discussed on today’s show.

If you missed the live broadcast, you will want to take the time to view this episode.

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