A Time to Divide! #Kingdom In Context aka Scripture out of Context

4 months ago

Published Jan 31st, 2024
Streamed Jan 31, 2024

Join myself, John Diffenderfer and my good friend George Carriere as we discuss topics on which we should be able to disagree as opposed to when it is time to draw a "theological line" in the sand.

The thumbnail was created by a person who actually believes His created son god Messiah "rocks" because he is "killin and grillin" celestial goats, lambs and cows and feeding them to the Father God. Yes. Sadly, I am serious.

In mainstream Christianity, compared to cults such as Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons, Jesus/Yeshua being God/YHWH incarnate has not been an issue for almost 1900 years. However, as hundreds of thousands are leaving certain aspects of mainstream religion, the topic of WHO Yeshua was and is becoming more controversial as certain "teachers" are dusting off the "doctrine" of Jehovah Witnesses and are teaching that Yeshua is a lesser created god and not YHWH in the flesh.

How can we discuss these issues with friends and others that have now adopted this understanding?

How sharply should we address, divide with and warn others regarding certain "teachers" like Sean Griffin from "Kingdom in Context" who are leading others astray and are even teaching that Yeshua's blood was and is not sufficient for the forgiveness of his and his followers' sins.

We should NEVER place ourselves on the throne and make eternal judgments towards others. This is reserved solely for Yeshua. However, as followers of Yeshua, do we not need to warn them that it was Yeshua who said "Unless you believe I AM, you will die in your sins"?

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