Tarlov to Pirro on Biden Not Visiting East Palestine: You’re Setting up Traps Where You Never Accept Any Point that I Make

4 months ago

GUTFELD: “Jessica, isn’t this all political?”
TARLOV: “No, I don’t think it’s all political. I think it is somewhat political. And this idea that you could ask anyone, Republican or Democrat, to take off their politician armor is ludicrous. Everyone is thinking about it no matter what. I also don’t think it is the responsibility of the president to go to every single thing that goes wrong. And I would add to your point, Dana, about the declaration, the disaster declaration, but Governor DeWine and Congressman Johnson, who’s the local congressman there in Ohio, both praised the federal response and said they had gotten everything that they needed from the government when this happened and that there were agents on the ground from the Department of Transportation the date that it happened. And yes, Mayor Pete — sorry, Secretary Pete was ‘late to come,’ but they still said they got what they needed. And to Jesse’s point about, you know, where has Joe gone, well, he was in Florida when they had that disaster over the summer, and Governor DeSantis, no fan of the president, Florida a ruby red state now, was praising him. He didn’t hug him Chris Christie-style, but he said, ‘We have gotten every single thing we needed from the federal government.’ And where is that Joe Biden? He was on the phone with the families of the fallen shoulders. There is video footage from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution” paper of the family crying when they find out that their daughter is being promoted posthumously for serving our country honorably, as well she deserves. So, that Joe Biden exists and — “
WATTERS: “Well, he doesn’t exist in East Palestine.”
TARLOV: “Well, he’s — first of all, I do not believe that it will be a completely chilly reception. There are people in every state, no matter how they vote, whether it’s 8 points, 10 points in the other direction, who are thankful and happy to see a president of the United States come. That is just how this works. You see it constantly. And you are picking the thing that you care about most, right? You are not like, ‘Let’s talk about Flint, Michigan,’ if you want to talk about something that Democrats were screaming — “
WATTERS: “This was a pretty big story, Jessica.”
TARLOV: “It was a huge story. And forever chemicals are something that are very personal to me. My dad died of a 9/11 cancer. He was poisoned by something like this. So don’t start with me about that. I take it incredibly seriously. And there was risk that it was going to affect another state.”
PIRRO: “Shouldn’t they have taken it as seriously as you are?”
TARLOV: “But the point is, is that showing up when you want him to doesn’t mean he didn’t take it seriously. And if the governor of the other party, a Republican governor and a congressman are saying that they got what they needed, why is that not good enough for you? You think he can go to every single thing that happens?”
PIRRO: “You think that they will say something else when they continue to need the White House? Don’t be naive politically.”
TARLOV: “But then you are just setting up a trap where there is no possible way for you to accept any point that I make.”
PIRRO: “The trap that I’m setting up is, put yourself in the situation of a poor person from East Palestine who has had chemical waste spilled in their land and water and a forever chemical. It was the worst toxic spill of the year, so don’t make it like it is, ‘Oh, it’s just like a tornado.’ It’s not.”

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