The Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment

5 months ago

The Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment took place on college campuses and they would put 8 students into a room and 7 had been paid ahead of time to be actors and you had that 1 naive participant.

The teacher put two cards on the front desk. One card had one line and the other had three lines. One longer, one shorter and one the same.

One by one, the paid actors would stand up and convincingly say that the shorter line was equal to the first line. By the time it went around to the 8th and 9th participant, 30% of them would deny what their own eyes were seeing just to fit conform with the group.

They found that if just one of the other people objected, it went from 30% down to 5%. So, in other words, if you have the courage to call out and stand up for the truth – you are going to encourage many others to stand up for the truth, who otherwise would not have.

END. 1/31/2024.

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