June Week 1 - IRONMAN 70.3 (Honu Half-Ironman Kona, Hawaii)

1 year ago

This Week’s Activity and Events:

This week Jay competes in and completes the Honu Half-Ironman in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii! This was quite an adventure covering 1.2 miles of ocean swimming followed by 56 miles on the bike and then a 13.1 mile run to complete the 70.3 mile race. It was a sweltering hot day in Kona and this race challenged Jay’s physical limits. Find out the “why” behind this crazy adventure…

▬ About Racing Through Midlife ▬

We are Jay and Michelle Miller and our goal is show you our journey as we build fitness through nutrition and physical activity. Jay is 50 and Michelle is 43, and we are literally racing through our mid-lives. Follow along as we compete in running, cycling and triathlon events in beautiful Hawaii!

Subscribe to our channel to see how we train every week and learn some of the tips and recipes we use to fuel our bodies for success. We hope that our channel will help motivate you to take control of your health and improve your life. Take action today, improve your fitness, eat smarter and live your best life at any age. If we can do this, you can too!

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