Reclaim Your Authority w/ Cal Washington

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Cal Washington, CEO of InPower, returns to Alfacast to share his continuing journey traversing the legal-commercial theatre. 

Securing Life, Liberty & Property for All through Accountability

There is a growing concern over 5G technologies, "smart meters", geo-engineering, and coercive medical practices that carry tangible risks affecting our health and safety for the sake of profit and control. 

Whereas petitions, protests, attending public hearings, and costly class action lawsuits has had little to no effect, the InPower Notice of Liability (NoL) is definitely getting the attention of bureaucratic interlopers with demonstrable success. 

Cal with give us the ins & outs of how to commence the NoL, applicable situations for its use, and contrasting it with other legal processes.  Most important is the support afforded to members of the culturally, governmentally, and geographically diverse InPower community that shares a common bond: the need to have authority over one's health and home.

Regardless of where you live in the world today, people have fewer choices when it comes to certain technology and services, and often have no choices when it comes to medical interventions with no recourse for bodily harm. 

Above all, we'll highlight the fact that this is indeed a spiritual journey toward the realization that we have choice in all matters of our life, while our Creator is the only true "authority".

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