Sustainable development.

4 months ago

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7. November 2023
Joy Jacqueline Sternkopf
05:20 PM

Prophetic word:

I bring sustainable development and solutions to those who reverently honor and Fear Me
Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy, don’t listen to His plan of terror or destruction.
The enemy uses those behind closed walls who hide themselves in corruption and malice. The enemies of God bring UP SOLUTIONS but I the Lord call them lies.
Lies to keep you in bondage, lies to provoke, lies to make you doubt me.
But I know what They say behind their walls of lies and deceit, I have smelled their corruption from far away; they STINK!
Idols, of silver and gold.
Watch me bring down walls of Jericho my Beloved, the wall you have been surrounding.
I tear and hew down this Wall of Lies, the walls of Jericho are tearing apart in front of your very eyes;
The lies you see in front of your eyes will no longer be hidden for my people Says the Lord God Almighty.

They say solutions

They say sustainability

They say reliability

They say fortunes stolen

They say panic

They say, ONLY LIES!

But I know their thoughts of destruction and greed
Yes GREED will show its ugly face behind its walls of destruction keeping people and mankind in slavery but I the Lord have sent My Son, the Lamb that is slain and risen and HE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION, there is.
I will bring My Children vindication for what the Enemy Have stolen from them, they won’t be fooled because of my wisdom, My Wisdom is increasing upon my Children; Yes I give strategies and Blueprints to my Remnant.
Sustainability and solutions that evil could never come up with.
My sustainability and solutions are no match with their half-way, broken-down thought process and system.
Their systems are only made for destruction and false welfare, called fakery and false promises.
Counterfeit money, counterfeit systems, counterfeit beliefs that Have nothing to do with Me, oh the Corruption is great but I THE LORD THIS DAY WILL TEAR DOWN THE WALLS OF JERICHO,

says the Lord of Host’s

And they shall speak lies at one table:
Daniel 11:27

For the love of money is a root of all evils
1 Timothy 6:10

For those who crave to be rich:
1 Timothy 6:9

One who continues to lay up and hoard possessions for himself and is not rich:
Luke 12:19-21

Be free from love of money:
Hebrews 13:5

Because of faith the walls of Jericho fell down:
Hebrews 11:30
the king of Ai
Joshua 12:9
You went over the Jordan and came to Jericho
#propheticword #sustainable #development

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