1 Corinthians 11, Imitating Paul and Warning Against Arrogance, 1 Cor 4:14-21, and Membership App.

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SBC Family,

I'm attaching a membership application. Some of you who regularly attend have never become formal members. This is not required, though this email is timely because the business meeting will take place in February and congregational voting does require formal membership (local members only). Again, no pressure. Church membership can be a controversial topic since it is unclear from Scripture whether the early church had membership. Even if it is described it is not prescribed, so it is not required to be obedient to the NT. However, we need to have some parameters for those who vote on matters of the church's interest.

Tonight's lesson will finish the first report from those out of Chloe's house. It's really a challenging section to work through. The report was that the Corinthians had divided into factions. Paul traced bad behavior back to the Corinthian's outlook on life that manifested itself in an arrogant attitude. His corrective was theological. They needed a proper outlook on the word of the cross and the work of the Spirit.

The fix for all of our bad behavior can be traced back to poor theology, even if it's a misplaced emphasis. We learn a lot from Paul here. Rooting out the problem in our theology can take years. Stay the course. Be patient. He is at work as we stay in His word and request understanding.

Grace to you,




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