Mene Mene Tekel Upharshin

4 months ago

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Mette Mirani
received on 12 December 2023

To the government in Denmark, you have been weighed and found too light! Mette Frederiksen, your days are numbered and so are your partners in crime. Søren Brostrøm and Magnus Heunicke and several others in the government. Did you think you could get away with it without consequences or any kind of judgment?!
Did you really think that the people have forgotten your attack and destruction against the mink farms and their families?
Mette Frederiksen, your covenant that you made with the Masonic Lodge (Baal and Moloch) at Christian the Fourth Lodge, you surrendered Denmark into the hands of the Dragon, so many people in Denmark died from the vaccine.
Exposure upon exposure will come pouring in like a flood.
I have seen your deals with Fauci and Big Pharma.
Oh yes, I have seen your agreements with the World Economic Forum. More and more secret deals that you have made with the CIA.
You and the Royal House have blood on your hands. Yes, very soon whistleblower after whistleblower will come forward and expose your malice and vile plans. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I see everything and nothing is hidden from me.
I will bring down my judgment on you and the entire Masonic and Babylonian system.
Yes, I will reveal what the royal house in collaboration with the so-called government has done to destroy and keep the Danes captive.
My people have cried out for justice and I have heard their cries and deep pain that you have caused with your constant assaults on the people.
See, my judgment has come upon you, you who call yourselves the Elite in Denmark.
Today your power is taken from you and from today the power is handed over to my rightful children.
I let the judgment come upon you because you have practiced predatory behavior on the families. You took the children out of the hands of their parents.
You practiced evil in the worst ways imaginable to destroy the innocent.
You have legalized trafficking and human trafficking through the so-called removal of children from their homes. So I'm taking down the whole system that you have been enjoying. You will be held accountable for what you have done.
I will single-handedly remove many politicians and other high-ranking people.
I take down abortion because the children's blood cries out for revenge and justice.
See, you are now witnessing your own downfall. I am the Lord of hosts and bring justice and justice will be served!
Isaiah 61:2 The day of vengeance of our God
Matthew 11:2-6
Luke 4:18
luke 7:22
Dan 5: 25-28 Menè Mené Tekel Ufarshin
Shedding blood of the innocents
Exodus 22:22
Proverbs 6:17
Deuteronomy 19:10
1 Samuel 19:5
Psalm 94:21
Isaiah 59:7
Jeremiah 22:17
Psalm 106:38
Amos 3:7-8 NLT
#propheticwordtoday #denmark #news

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