Harnwell: Zelensky *Did* Fire Top General — But Was Forced To Back Down Within Hours By The Military

1 year ago

More information is emerging regarding President Zelensky’s abortive firing of his commander-in-chief General Zaluzhny.

For several hours the general was indeed fired. The press was being briefed while Zelensky himself was offering two other senior generals the job — but both refused. The US and the UK — learning of the sacking like everyone else from social media — told Zelensky to back down.

Three quick take-always can be gleaned: 1. Zelensky has been weakened by this 2. the army remains loyal to Zaluzhny and 3. Zelensky didn’t consult with his two principal western allies first.





Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

Follow me on the world’s greatest social media app at https://gettr.com/user/harnwell

Aired On: 01/31/24

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