The Power of Back-End Marketing Strategies

11 months ago

Don't spend all your money to acquire customers. Spend it to keep it. That's where you make all the money. It's not the front end, it's the back end. Prime example of this is Amazon prime. When they first came out with their offering, it was so cheap. Everyone's like "you're crazy, you're going to lose money." And you know what? They did lose money. But on the front end. On the back end, people keep coming back and buying from Amazon which has caused them to be a trillion plus dollar company. So what you need to think about is marketing costs are continually rising each and every single year. The only way to make your marketing profitable is continually have upsells and downsells and to get people to keep coming back. Just think about McDonald's. When you go to McDonald's, if you have kids, they'll ask you if you want to make that meal a happy meal or supersize it or get more fries or a Coke with that. That's examples of upsells and downsells. And on the flip side, when they provide amazing experience with their jungle gyms outside and their toys, what do kids want to do? They want to keep going back to McDonald's. They make their money on the back end, not the front end. That's how you build a big business.

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