Ouch - Barbwire

1 year ago

What is barbwire, it is a steel fencing wire constructed with sharp edges or points arranged at intervals along the strands. Hmmmm sharp edges, penetrating points, arranged at intervals along the border of the seasons of your life by the enemy of our soul… Okay so I embellished it a bit, but isn’t that true! Sometimes the barbwire the enemy of our soul throws up all around us is pricking us every time we try to move forward. We can feel like we can’t move without deception cutting into our soul and leaving us wounded.

Have you ever had those life seasons where you feel like the barbwire is all around you, you have people in your face constantly with their trickery-prickery lies, false accusations, assumptions, speculations, presuppositions all with the sharp quill of their voice penetrating you soul!

It is during these really difficult time, I simply-significantly say the name of Jesus and I pray that every weapon formed against me will stand down and not prosper in my life and I ask for Jesus to navigate me safely out from this prickery-trickery all around me. The truth of God is a powerful weapon and it has never failed me. Every strong hold is broken when we call out to God and ask Him to break us free. There is no stronghold that the enemy puts in place that can hold us in slavery, we are free in Jesus Christ and His truth will set us free and keep us in a freedom like no other.

Strong holds of deception, lack of confidence, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, God will deliver us from these in the power of His Might. Jesus is our Deliverer, our rescuer, our refuge, strong hold and a place of hope. There is not death that can hold, Jesus delivers us from every dead end and everything death of our dreams, He changes up to brand new blooms of life. In Christ, we have all we need. We are equipped with His Name, His Word and His Holy Spirit and He is a Way-Maker like no other. There is no barbwire that can keep us in bondage or hurt us in anyway that God can’t heal. All Glory and Honor To Jesus! We are free, indeed.

Boomerang! God will bring back on the head of our enemy the same thing our enemy intentioned for us and He will encircle our enemy in His Barbwire that will keep all of His deception, illegal authority, lawlessness at bay, protecting us completely from any enemies attention to kill, steal or destroy us. The enemy who has cheated, lied, and had bad intentions toward us will not win the day. God Wins.

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