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I've been having 'Dreams'

1 year ago

it has been time for me to talk about this for a while. I have always loved the experience of the feeling just before sleep and the feeling just as I arise. there is something about connecting to this space that is such a potent reminder of our connection to the Divine and Heavenly space. a daily reminder that we are more than just earthly bodies.

talking about the dream space like this makes me feel perfectly like the hermit card that my life path number connects to in the tarot. coming out of the cave and sharing what has arisen from the liminal space. I am no longer questioning these experiences I am gifted and am trusting spirit that whatever I am called to share will be recieved by those meant to receive it! this feel so freeing to me and I wish the freedom of expression for everyone. if you connect to the dream realm I know you understand.

I trust that the more I share these dreams out to others, my spirit guides will see that I am taking these visions seriously, and bring even more clarity and potency to the messages. thank you for expanding your mind and being open to hearing my perspective on this life.


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