Warning 18+++ Gaza city ! The bombing hasn’t stopped in Gaza. Graphic war scenes

1 year ago

Gaza city ! Graphic war scenes 18+++

The bombing hasn’t stopped in Gaza. You’re just not seeing as much about it because Israel killed most of the journalists.

Famine. Food insecurity. Genocide. Gaza has been betrayed by the world. #GazaStarving

Horrifying :EuroMedHR documented the execution of Palestinian citize...

Such unabashed savagery, with the execution of an unarmed 51-year old man waving a white flag in front of his family and a British TV crew. He was trying to help his mother and brother evacuate from an area they were told to leave by the IDF.

Literally no other army in the world is so overtly and so consistently cruel. In a just world, no one who supports this, even tacitly, should be close to the levers of power... yet many Western leaders are. They, more than anyone else, embody the "children of darkness" in this scenario.

Things need to radically change. If there is one hope I have as an outcome of this conflict, it's that a growing number of people are coming to realize this. Our very humanity is at stake....

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