1-30-24 Conservative Commandos Topics: UN lies; Texas Constitution

7 months ago

Edward Bartlett is the Founder of SAVE. He received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. Former faculty member at three universities, and former federal regulator at the Department of Health and Human Services. Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials. SAVEServices.org look for petition defund United Nations TOPIC: DAVIA says UN Women Report Falsifies the Truth about Civilian Deaths in Gaza

Ken Davis is the former Deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Virginia. He has over forty years of experience in corporate management, public service, and the private practice of law, almost all of which involved some aspect of the continually evolving electric and gas power industry. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Examiner, CNSNews, Townhall, and a number of other publications. KEN IS THE AUTHOR OF...REVOLUTION: A Call to Turn Back the Lawless Left And Restore the Promise of America TOPIC: Texas Prepares To Exercise, in Respect of Immigration, the Sovereign Powers the Federal Constitution — and the State’s Own Parchment — Reserves to It
The federal government has forsaken its own constitutional responsibility to enforce federal immigration laws, and the time has come for Texas to act.

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