Watters Blasts Jay Leno for Dismissing Truck Drivers Complaining About Gas Prices: ‘The Experts Will Tell Them How to Feel’

4 months ago

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UNKNOWN MALE: “The costs of beef went up 5 to 6 percent.”
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WATTERS: “Now this puzzles Martha. A restaurant owner having an opinion about the economy in an election year. What do peasants know about the economy? Your opinion only counts if you have a PhD. Now, what’s next? You’re going to say gas is too expensive. Well, Jay Leno says, ‘Why should we listen to truck drivers about the price of gas?’”
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LENO: “I think he’s done a really good job with the economy. But you have people now who just if someone says the economy is terrible, it is? (...) This the one thing I love about America now. We’re the only place in the world. If you go to Europe, we wanted to talk about the economy. So I went to the University of Economics at Pomona. We go to a truck stop in Lima, Ohio. You know, here in America, you go to the truck stop. You talk to the guy and hear what he has — oh, I would rather have an expert, you know.”
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WATTERS: “Well economists have predicted nine out of the last five recessions, why wouldn’t Leno listen to them. Lawrence Peter famously said, ‘An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.’ So truck drivers and restaurant owners shouldn’t be listened to or cared about. The experts will tell them how to feel. They say you’re better off, you are? If they say Biden is a young man trapped in an old man’s body, he is.”
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Newsom: “We’ve all spent time with Biden. Spent time with him for —“
KARL: “Yeah.”
Newsom: “I mean, three hours on photo lines and three events —“
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