US Military Strike Back Against Houthis. Task & Purpose Jan 21, 2024

1 year ago

US Military Strike Back Against Houthis. Task & Purpose Jan 21, 2024
Although I Completely Oppose U.S. Military Support of the Baby Killer Israeli's and U.S. Military Interference, this is the Best Report I have seen on the Yemen Conflict.
Also. Blaming Iran for Houthi Attacks for Iranian Drones is Extremely Hypocritical. How Many U.S. Arms are used by Terrorist's and Cartels? Doesn't that mean Mexico can shoot Missiles at the U.S. for Arming Cartels? Apparently Not... Kalashnikovs are EVERYWHERE. Why haven't they Attacked Russia? Total Hypocrisy...
1,890,099 views Jan 21, 2024
Task & Purpose
The United States and British military struck back against the Houthis with over 150 strikes from F18 fighter jets and tomahawk cruise missiles. We’ll also learn more about the Houthis' actual motivations behind the attacks in the red sea that have stopped 20% of the total trade so far. I also want to try to examine the evidence to see if types of strikes will be enough to stop the Houthis.
Written by: Chris Cappy Edited by: Michael Michaelides Additional Animations by: Syed Follow for Updates:   / cappyarmy     / cappyarmy  
The Maersk Hangzhou container ship was sailing in the Gulf of Aden when it was attacked by Houthi missile strikes launched from the coast On December 30th 2023. One missile slammed into the ship at around 8:30 that night. The Hangzhou instantly put out a distress call to nearby naval assets to assist them. But they weren’t sailing through dangerous waters completely unprepared.
They were not out to water with the pants down around their ankles, that would be just plain silly. They had the foresight to hire a private security team with small arms aboard their ship who would soon be put to the test. Because a few hours later at 3:30 in the morning on new years eve December 31st. The Houthis sent 4 small boats with mounted machine guns to close in on the ship and attempt to hijack it. They got within 20 meters of the ship and fired small arms rounds at Hangzhou. They even tried to climb on board! US helicopters destroyed them.
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