The Four Approaches To UNLOCKING The Book of Revelation

7 months ago

#revelation #prophecy #endtimes

In this lecture we begin our in depth study of the Book of Revelation. This is the first of six introductory teachings.

In this lecture we will discuss the four main interpretative approaches to understanding the Book of Revelation. The four main approaches are:

What do each of these approaches entail? How does the approach we take impact our overall beliefs about the book?

Join us as we begin this incredible journey!

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Aune, David E. Revelation,. 3 vols. (WBC). Dallas: Word, 1997; Nashville: Nelson, 1998

Beale, G. K. The Book of Revelation (NIGTC). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999

Fanning, Buist. Revelation(ZECNT). Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 20

Ford, J. Massyngberde. Revelation (AB). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.

Gregg, Steve. Revelation: Four Views, Revised & Updated. Nashville: Nelson, 2013.

Keener, Craig S. Revelation (NIVAC). Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000

Mounce, Robert H. The Book of Revelation (NICNT). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997

Schreiner, Thomas R. Revelation (BECNT). Grand Rapids: Baker, 2023

Thomas, Robert L. Revelation. 2 vols. Chicago: Moody, 1992-1995.

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