Newt Power Animal

4 months ago

There are more than 100 species of newts in the world. They prefer swamps, damp grasslands, marshes, and irrigated farmlands. The amphibious adult newt is slippery, slimy, and can find food on both land and water. They have keen vision and high awareness of their surroundings to hunt well in the dark. The carnivorous newt eats bugs, worms, shrimp, and snails. They have the ability to regenerate their limbs, organs, tissues, and even parts of their nervous system. The newts many vibrant colors warns potential predators of their venomous nature. They secrete toxins through their skin that can be very lethal.

The newt life cycle allows them to adapt to both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. They undergo a 3 stage process to morph from eggs to adults. During the mating season the male newt develops a large wavy crest down his back and has an elaborate courtship display. They stand on their front legs with an arched back waving their crest tail while secreting a hormone that attracts the female partner. The female then follows him to an area where he deposits a sperm package. The female picks up the package and puts it into her reproductive track to fertilize. Although she may lay hundreds of eggs, each egg is individually put inside a pond leaf for protection. In 1 to 2 months the larvae hatch out of the eggs as tadpoles complete with gills. In 2 to 5 months they will change into juvenile newts, leaving the ponds for 2-3 years for the surrounding land area before returning and become sexually mature adults.

The shiny newt symbolizes transformation, diversity, and balance. When you want to navigate a difficult territory, call on the spirit of the newt. To learn more about the secret power of the animals, visit our website and get your free power animal reading. Thank you for subscribing and have a great day

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