Article 4628 Video - International Public Notice: Regarding the New World Order By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4628 Video - International Public Notice: Regarding the New World Order - Monday, January 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible tells us that the Devil lives in Geneva, Switzerland.

Now, that is an incredible statement and I don't expect you all to accept it, but -- several generations of Biblical Scholars have confirmed that, so your shock and any arguments you may have are with The Good Book and those scholars, not with me.

I offer that as a backdrop for you.

Several months ago, I introduced you all to a young American veteran, Derek Johnson, who, via YouTube and his own media efforts, provided the exact blow-by-blow proving that, not only did Donald Trump remain the Commander-in-Chief but also established himself as a wartime President under The Constitution of the United States of America -- that is, the British Territorial service contract.

Yesterday, our friend Pascal Najadi, who has everything right except being aware of the Romano-British Caste System, repeated Derek Johnson's information while expanding the discussion to Switzerland and the rest of the world.

Najadi's presentation is more civilian-oriented and easier to understand -- and cut down to bare bones -- and I highly recommend it. The link appears at the bottom of this Notice.

Bottom line -- we are in the midst of a covert war and are in the last phases of it.

The vast theocratic, commercial, and corporate conspiracy to establish a form of Corporate Feudalism and the vicious suppressed Satanic "religion" underlying it, have failed.

This is and has been a war waged in the jurisdiction of the air -- the realm of beliefs and ideas, commitments and character. It is the last of three major wars that have been fought, one each in each jurisdiction, to expel the evil that has preyed upon mankind for centuries.

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