What Happened To Jake ? ( THE HUNTED )

8 months ago

The Hunted

Jake had always loved hunting in the woods near his cabin. He enjoyed the solitude, the thrill of the chase, and the satisfaction of bringing home a trophy. He had hunted deer, bears, wolves, and even a cougar once. But nothing prepared him for what he saw that day.

He was tracking a large buck through the snow, following its hoofprints and blood trail. He had wounded it with his rifle, but it was still running. He was determined to finish it off. He followed the trail to a clearing, where he expected to find the buck lying dead or dying. Instead, he found something else.

There, in the middle of the clearing, stood a creature unlike anything he had ever seen. It was at least eight feet tall, covered in dark brown fur, with long arms and legs. It had a broad chest, a muscular neck, and a head that resembled a cross between a gorilla and a human. It was holding the buck in its hands, tearing chunks of flesh from its body with its teeth.

Jake froze in shock and fear. He had heard stories of bigfoot, but he never believed them. He thought they were just legends, myths, hoaxes. But now, he was face to face with one. And it had seen him.

The creature dropped the buck and let out a roar that shook the trees. It locked eyes with Jake and charged at him, moving faster than any animal he had ever seen. Jake raised his rifle and fired, but he missed. The creature was too close, too fast. It slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. Jake felt its claws rip through his clothes and skin, its teeth sink into his flesh, its weight crush his bones. He screamed in agony, but no one heard him. He was alone, helpless, doomed.

He realized, too late, that he was not the hunter. He was the hunted.

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