1 year ago

With news of longtime Modern Black Feminist Cynthia G being at first demonetized, then ultimately removed from YouTube AND GoFundMe altogether for her Hitleresque and repeated videos calling for the wholesale abortion of Black male babies spreading like wildfire, a most interesting detail emerges - that the ultimate whistleblower was a WHITE WOMAN, one Ms. Ashley Belanger of the website Ars Technica. Writing there on Oct 11, 2023, Ms. Belanger notes that on three separate occasions over the years (read: Since 2021!), Cynthia G has called for the selective genocide of Black people - three distinct videos titled, "Do Black Women Benefit From Birth Black Males?"; a second called, "If Aborting Black Male Babies Isn't The Solution, Then What Is?" and finally, "Should We Continue To Give Birth To Them?" - and, that YouTube was rather quite OK with these videos being on the platform AND being able to actually make a nice bit of coin for Ms. Cynthia G.

Meanwhile, noted Modern Black Feminist Kimberly Nicole Foster, ever the outspoken lovely lady, said from her YouTube perch For Harriet channel, that Fresh & Fit should be deplatoformed "immediately" for racial remarks aimed at Black women. For the record and to be sure, while I uphold and affirm Fresh & Fit's right to freedom of association, I do NOT support, condone or endorse in any way, their distasteful remarks about Black women and going further, found their "skit" with a Klansman outfit and other racial stereotypes to be highly offensive not just to Black Americans of which I am one, but to all reasonable people of good will. Indeed, the record shows that the whole of the Black Manosphere did NOT support Fresh & Fit along these lines, with many coming out against said remarks - among them my good friend and brother Oshay Duke Jackson, a fellow founding father of the Black Manosphere.

So, we have to ask: If one of the day's leading Modern Black Feminists is out here demanding the immediate cancelling of Fresh & Fit, but is MIA and nowhere to be found when it comes to Cynthia G; and if the Black Manosphere had no qualms about distancing itself from Fresh & Fit when it came to their distasteful racial rhetoric; and if it took a White woman journalist to bust the Cynthia G monstrosity wide open; WHERE WERE THE MODERN BLACK FEMINISTS ON THIS? That's what we're gonna talk about TODAY on Obsidian Radio!

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