Dr. Jon Jenkins - Chasing Shadow Worlds: Exoplanets from Kepler & Beyond

4 months ago

NASA Ames Research Director’s Colloquium, August 14, 2014. Recent innovations in astronomy enable us to pursue one of humanity's greatest questions; Are we alone in the Universe? From the Kepler Mission to NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), vast data collection with new telescopes will revolutionize the fields of asteroseismology and exoplanetary science.

Dr. Jon Jenkins of NASA's Ames Research Center will showcase the accomplishments of the Kepler Mission, which has discovered over 950 confirmed planets and over 3000 planet candidates, and describe the future of exoplanet research.

The NASA Ames Director's Colloquium Summer Series was presented by the Office of the Chief Scientist as part of the Center's 75th anniversary celebration.

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