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We Are Life Song!

1 year ago

We at Life Song are so blessed to have not only an amazing Leadership TEAM, but also amazing Volunteers! We have a very solid Leadership structure as a key part of our foundation. According to John Maxwell, churches rise and fall based on Leadership. The second most important aspect is a committed group of Volunteers. Together the Leaders and the Volunteers form the nucleus of the church family called “The Core.” At the very center of The Core is Jesus Christ radiating out His love like the sun. Another important group are the ones who are not yet on a TEAM, but come, give, pray, have fellowship, worship, give hugs and support this family. All together We Are Life Song!

Outside Board: Pastor Scout Hester, Pastor David Ferranti, Pastor Gary Rumptz and Pastor Mike Smith

Elders: Darlene Cameron, Scott Guerne, Pastor Gary Rumptz, Pastor Mike and Karen Smith

Ministry TEAMS: Some ministries have specific skill requirements, some have a higher level of conduct expectations, but all have two things in common; great Leaders and great volunteers! Everyone who helps on a TEAM is required to have a background check. If concerns arise on the background check, it doesn’t automatically disqualify anyone from serving on a TEAM, but it could limit what you can do.

TEAM Leaders
Children’s: Barb Craig
Hospitality: Tracey Henry
Missions: Joe Roth
Connections and Prayer: Jody Obee
Youth: Jubilee and Jacob Guerne
Ushers, Men’s Group, and Co-Lead Life Group: Bryan Cloyd
Safety: Scott Guerne
Women’s Bible Study, Women’s Group, and Co-Lead Life Group: Darlene Cameron
Praise and A/V: Pastor Gary Rumptz


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