White Hats Kill Mar-a-Lago Intruders + Miracle paste for pets? +

7 months ago

President Donald J. Trump’s military security force on Saturday engaged two intruders who tripped a Mar-a-Lago proximity alarm on the Lake Worth Lagoon side of the estate, Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News. + A miracle paste for pets? Company is Forest Natural, can buy here: https://fnpp.petclub247.com/index.html
Cracker song/vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYdlqjiQPAc
Take our border back Convoy: https://takeourborderback.com/about-1?fbclid=IwAR2DLUkyAl9-wfVF5EXT0VOCiUZWIr5K8WhfQ62Frbht2cWJHyAvrWXbd3w

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