Oklahoma Senator Dahm Writes Anti Free Press Bill as a Larp in Response to Anti Gun Libtard Bills

1 year ago

Oklahoma Senator Dahm Writes Anti Free Press Bill as a Larp in Response to Anti Gun Libtard Bills
Lol. The maker of this video does not get it. But when you look at the demands made in the Bill, it is easy to see How he is comparing the Draconian Demands Made on Gun Ownership, it is easy to see that it is Not Serious Legislation but a PARODY. And it is Quite Amusing
Without the proper context, this Bill would sound Insane and Evil. But as an example of Countering Liberal Unconstitutional Anti 2nd Amendment Power Grabs would make this quite Amusing...
January 27, 3024
RBD3 - Previously of High Impact Flix
The Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act. Attack on Citizen Journalist's?
Well, No. Apparently it is Just a Larp used to make a point. And Not Serious Legislation...
You’ll be PROHIBITED from Public Recording w/out a License and Insurance in This State.
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APNO3ZI5dzs&list=WL&index=4
Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm has introduced a bill called the “Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act” that is clearly meant as a larp and an example to the seditious left of how ridiculous their “common sense gun control” laws are. Common sense here is illustrated as a dog whistle of “overt violation of Americans’ constitutional rights.”
Publications like the Daily Kos (see excerpt below) have been writing pieces on this legislation as if it were a serious proposal, not realizing how they’re being trolled into illustrating through their rightful assaults on such a dangerous violation of our constitutional rights just how unconstitutional their “common sense” gun control laws really are.
New Oklahoma bill would force journalists to be licensed by the state – www.dailykos.com
According to Dahm’s Senate Bill 1837 , called the Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act, “any media outlet that includes opinions at any time in its print, broadcast, or other means of distribution shall do each of the following before any articles, stories, opinions, news, videos, or other media are distributed to the public -
Oklahoma Senator Dahm has stood up for 2nd Amendment Rights and opposed Sanctuary Cities.
Nathan Dahm
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