Transhumanism - Health or Control?

4 months ago

***Correction*** I give the impression that the devil "implemented" the curse, what I meant to say is it was through his sin that the curse happened because of his and Adam and Eve's rebellion / not following God's instruction. We are living in a time period where we are seeing all the work being laid down to implement a particular "mark". If the devil was to offer such a mark right now it would be rejected by most. Therefore, this offer must be disguised under the banner of health and the promise of a false utopia. We are seeing the beginnings, the process leading to this. "You shall not surely die" said the snake! But "dust we shall return" says God. If we are in our Lord Jesus Christ we have the promise of eternal life with Him, any other offers of eternal life is a lie from the devil. Too many false saviours out there trying "to fix the curse", but they will all fail. Book of Revelation says so. Don't be deceived.

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