💔 Unveiling Childhood Hurts: Healing Beyond Distortions✨

4 months ago

🌈 How can we truly heal beyond cognitive distortions and childhood hurts? 🤔

🤝 Explore with Dr. Karol Darsa the founder of Reconnect Cente. 💡

🎙️ https://bit.ly/48xytwL

💔 she explains Cognitive behavioral therapy provides support, but it's not enough alone.

🌟 Cognitive distortions often stem from childhood trauma. 🚸

🗣️ If a child hears negative messages, it shapes their beliefs into adulthood.

💖 Simply telling them they're good won't suffice—they must understand and heal those childhood hurts. 👥

👶 Empathy and processing emotions are key. When willing to do so, distortions naturally change, offering a gentler path to transformation. 💫

🌟 Curious to learn more? Click the link in our bio or find it in the description above 📚🔗

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