Laying Hold On Eternal Life-NOW THE END BEGINS-JAN 28 2024

8 months ago

Jim Elliot died in the cause of attempting to bring the gospel to the violent tribe of the Aucas Indians, his last breath spent on the battlefield of the Lord as a 2 Timothy 2:3 soldier, 'laying hold' on eternal life. You might be tempted to say that it was a shame for him to have died to that way, to lose your life to savages, but you'd be quite wrong. Jim Elliot also said "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." In that we have the true essence of the gospel, laying hold on eternal life even if it comes at the cost of this one. On this Sunday Service, I want to talk about building a 'good foundation' in this life that'll prepare you for the 'time to come', and the Hebrews 9:27 'unbreakable appointment' we all have with the Lord. You can absolutely be ready for that day, and the Bible tells us how.

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