Denver To Limit Time Illegal Immigrants Can Stay In Shelters

5 months ago

This doesn't sound very nice for a sanctuary city like Denver, Colorado. Like many sanctuary cities, Denver is learning that the invasion at the Southern border doesn't stop at the Southern border. And it's not just states like Texas busing migrants to New York City; the Biden administration has been flying illegals all around the country for three years.

NBC News notes that Denver, a city with 710,000 residents, is struggling to keep up with the demands of 40,000 migrants. Keep in mind that the bipartisan Senate compromise that President Joe Biden is willing to sign opens up the border to 5,000 people a day, or 1.8 million a year. Denver has announced it's going to start kicking illegals out of shelters after a certain amount of time. -- NBC News: “Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year and the city is becoming overwhelmed. Starting Feb. 5, Denver will limit the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and send those who exceed their stay out onto the streets.” Oddly, NBC News doesn't report just how long illegals can stay in shelters before they're evicted.

• More at: Twitchy - Denver to Limit Time Illegal Immigrants Can Stay in Shelters

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