Galatians 3:23-29 “In Christ” 1/28/2024

11 months ago

When you look at the bigger picture…God was preparing them all along for the Promised Seed…Jesus.
Before the law, Abraham is made righteous by his faith in the coming Messiah.
We are made righteous by faith in the Messiah…Jesus.
We know that the only thing the law given to Moses did was show us that we are sinners.
We also know that God gave His people the sacrificial system to atone for the sin the law pointed out.
As you go through the chapters of Leviticus…and if you take the time to mark all the references to blood…you will see that the temple was a very bloody place.
And then if you mark all the references to “atonement,” you will see that God required the shedding of blood for the atonement of sin.
And that is exactly what Jesus did…He shed His blood on the cross to atone for our sins…
To wash us clean, sanctify us, justify us, and forgive us of our sins.
The temple pointed to Jesus…the priesthood pointed to Jesus…the law pointed to Jesus…the sacrificial system pointed to Jesus…it all pointed to Jesus…
God was preparing them for the coming of Jesus…the Promised Seed.

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