Critical Analysis 200 Proofs Earth Is NOT a SPINNING BALL - Part 4

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IMPORTANT!! If You are only here to listen to PRO or ANTI flat earth / globe earth arguments, then log right off, you've come to the wrong place!

If you're wanting an honest take on each of the 200 individual claims made, with a true or false assertion to best of my ability done live, then pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. It can sometimes take several minutes to prove each claim conclusively, so don't expect this to be a tick tockers rush job, it's live and unscripted.

Now Part 4. A live examination of Eric Dubays "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" video. In parts 1,2,3 we covered proofs 1-60, so this episode we'll begin with Proof 61.

Parts 1,2,3 recieved in total 6 marks for "True" and 30 marks for "False". The reason these total less than 60 marks for 60 proofs, is because Eric repeated several items as different proofs, or used irrelevant or unsubstantiated claims - for example "some dude 300 years ago said on his voyage around earth...." - this kind of "evidence" is too far gone, and is worth no more than hear say after a game of chinese whispers.

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