Lockdown 2.0, Stage Two of Five as we Move through this Transition.

1 year ago

TALKnet Note: I am not looking forward to this because the idiots who buy into it will be that much more assholish about it. I suspect it's to offset the election in the US and the farmer/trucker uprisings in Europe, and to take full control of the globe. It won't work but the paedophile globalists are asleep and as such live in fear so they can't see what's coming and don't know what's actually happening. I hope this is the phase where the MSM figure out that it's not safe to report from the street. They will set up studios and other BS to report from and eventually implode, but it all takes time. This lockdown may be strict like martial law, but whatever it is, enough people know it's all BS so it won't be a smooth operation as ranks divide within. It seems about a billion people are now dead and disabled from the vaxx (look at global telecom subscriber losses on Yandex.com). If you don't believe all this woowoo, go back to bed and don't worry, your government is here to take care of you, and Big Pharma is an integrity industry looking to cure all diseases so they can finally close up shop and rest.

It Shall Make Sense | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 01 27 24

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