Why Go to Church?

8 months ago

Is church really important? Why go?

If you've gotten away from going to church because you're too busy, don't think it's relevant, haven't made your way back since Covid or perhaps you've been hurt by the church... this episode will help shed some biblical light on what the Bible says about going to church, why it's important and how to practically live out what you learn from Scripture.

1. Because God says we need to gather together.
• Hebrews 10:25, “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Not because we have to... but because we need each other.

2. It’s a testimony of what Jesus has done in our lives.
• 1 John 3:4, “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers…”

Jesus breaks down the walls that separate us. It doesn't matter what color, culture or socio-economic background believers come from...Jesus makes strangers family and Jesus makes people, who may never connect normally, one body who need and love one another.

• 1 Cor 12:20, “But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.”

If you're struggling with your salvation, remember, one of the evidences of salvation is that you love brothers and sisters in Christ.

3. It’s where connections and care happens best.
• Gal 5:13, “Serve one another.”
• Gal 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens.”
• Romans 12:10, “Be devoted to one another.”
• John 13:14, “Wash one another’s feet.”
• 1 Thes 4:18, “Comfort one another.”
• Col 3:13, “Bearing with one another…”

It's hard to do any of the "one anothers" if we aren't connected to a local body.

Those who say, "We don't have to go to church because we are the church" are misconstruing what the Bible says about being part of a local body of believers.

If you "are" the church, you will want to "go" to church because that's where "the church" gathers together, worships God together, grows in our faith
discovers and uses spiritual gifts and natural talents God has given to us to minister to one another - and to impact our communities and the world for Christ.

Going to church is important for all the reasons mentioned above and more.

We can apply it to our lives by:

1. Evaluate what it is that’s keeping you from connecting or reconnecting with a local body of believers.
(If you’ve been hurt, seek out someone who can help you biblically navigate your experience find the healing you need and become an active part of healthy and vital church.)

2. Examine what’s really important in light of eternity? Life is short and eternity is long, so you need to examine what you’re doing with the time God has given you and make some important decisions to take responsibility for your and your family’s spiritual growth & walk w/the Lord.

3. Re-prioritize your priorities.
Whatever you're doing that's taking the place of church is rarely of any kind of eternal significance. You may need to make some important adjustments to get your priorities in line
Priorities should be filtered through your top 4 priorities:
1. God
2. Family
3. Church
4, Career and everything else

4. Be like Nike’ and JUST DO IT. (Hebrews 10:25)
Some things, you just need to make a decision to do. Your life is a result of and a culmination of your choices. Choose well. For you, your family and your community.

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