The Hidden Impact: Immigration's Effects on Security and Housing

8 months ago

Pre-record interview for Euronews channel on 29th November 2023, a week after stabbing of three children at Parnell Square by Algerian national.
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Some sources on crime issue I was asked about and spoke of
First, Ireland

Of the 12 women murdered in Ireland in 2022, five were killed by nonintegrated immigrants. Jozef Puska murdered Ashling Murphy. Romanian Andrei Dobra is awaiting trial for the murder of his fiance, Ioana Mihaela. Romanian Daniel Blanaru is awaiting trial for the murder of his partner, Larisa Serban. German Guenter Lohse is awaiting trial for the murder of his elderly mother, Ruth. Brazilian Miller Pacheco is awaiting trial for the murder of his former partner, Bruna Fonseca. All of the alleged killers needed translators throughout their court appearances. These women’s deaths are apparently the direct result of failed, open-border migration policies...

Almost half of the women murdered in Ireland in 2022 would still be alive if their killers had not been allowed into the country.…

I was on BBC Radio Ulster on Friday.
I used 2 reports during and after.
Challenged by @williamcrawley and guest over evidence showing analysis (not anecdote) of causal relationship between large scale immigration and crime- I referenced BBC News article on report sponsored by German Govt.…

"The report used statistics from Lower Saxony - regarded as an average state - where police saw an increase of 10.4% in reported violent crimes in 2015 and 2016.
Based on figures from the state's interior ministry, which keeps a separate record of alleged crimes by migrants, the report suggested that 92.1% of this increase was attributable to migrants."

BBC report on Sweden:
"About 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the past five years were born abroad, according to data from Swedish national TV.
Public broadcaster SVT said it had counted all court convictions to present a complete picture in Sweden."…
William Crawley didn't like, responding....
"Reporting individual studies is never an endorsement; a full analysis of complex issues require many studies and expertise. It’s easy for people to pick out individual findings to support their ideological assumptions. ."..

And posted this report from Swedish Govt…
Under section
Claim: “Immigrants are behind the increase in crime”

It states
"According to the most recent study, people born abroad are 2.5 times as likely to be registered as a crime suspect as people born in Sweden to two native-born parents."

This is the reference I made in Euronews interview.

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