Ready To Build Community? | Nehemiah 11:25-36

7 months ago

And as for the villages, with their fields, some of the people of Judah lived in Kiriath-arba and its villages, and in Dibon and its villages, and in Jekabzeel and its villages, and in Jeshua and in Moladah and Beth-pelet, in Hazar-shual, in Beersheba and its villages, in Ziklag, in Meconah and its villages, in En-rimmon, in Zorah, in Jarmuth, Zanoah, Adullam, and their villages, Lachish and its fields, and Azekah and its villages. So they encamped from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom. The people of Benjamin also lived from Geba onward, at Michmash, Aija, Bethel and its villages, Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah, Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen. And certain divisions of the Levites in Judah were assigned to Benjamin. — Nehemiah 11:25-36

CALL OUT: To Adam Wallace, one of our subscribers and partners from Chesapeake, VA. Thank you for your partnership, brother.

We could easily skip over this text since reading the names is tricky, and locating the towns and villages is nearly impossible. But this text is the realization of Israel's long-lost dream. The return after captivity and the reestablishment of the greater community, even though it was now within and under the Persian empire.

I cannot tell you if this was Nehemiah's vision, but I know it was part of God's. According to Isaiah, the next stage of the vision would include a prophet wandering in the desert named John, who would proclaim the way for the one and only Prophet, Priest, and King—Jesus. Jesus would establish a whole new kingdom, one made without hands.

For now, God guided His people out of captivity and back towards a life of community. This new chapter in their lives was centered around Jerusalem, with their homes spread across various towns and villages.

There is a twofold lesson in this for us today.

One | We Have A King & Kingdom
First, we need to remember that no king or kingdom is as great as God and his kingdom. Like Nehemiah, we live under the rule of vain and selfish kings. Our kings and kingdoms will always be corrupt regardless of where we live: China, Russia, or even the U.S.A. While we want a better king, there is no king greater than Jesus and no kingdom better than the one he has already established.

Two | We Need A Community
Second, we must also remember that community is essential in the journey. Believers need to stick together and do life together. A spiritual community isn't nice. It is necessary. Living out our faith with one another is required for all believers until the King and his Kingdom come again.

So let me give you something very practical to do. If you're not yet part of a spiritual community, you need to find one. In our busy world today, where individualism is the norm, forming spiritual connections can be challenging—but this makes it more crucial. And I will warn you, it's work.

And for those out there today who know it's needed and feel called to lead like Nehemiah. I want you to know that I am behind you. But I am going to make it easier for you today. If you feel called to lead a group of men, I will send you a copy of one of my best and newest Bible Study Handbooks for free so you can start your own group. I have a brand-new, easy-to-use guide (Thirty Men Who Lived With Conviction) for leading discussions for men in any group. It's so easy it needs almost no prep; it drives discussion and gets men into the Bible. And yes, I will give you these books at no charge; if you have 3-5 men, you can gather into a small group.

So if you are ready, need community, and want to give a shot, reach out to me right here, and we will help you get started:


#Nehemiah11, #DreamsOfRestoration, #SpiritualCommunity, #KingdomOfGod, #ChristianLeadership, #BiblicalWisdom, #FaithInAction, #MensMinistry, #ChristianUnity, #LiveWithConviction


Reflecting on Nehemiah's story of rebuilding the community, in what ways can you contribute to strengthening and nurturing your own spiritual community? How can you actively participate in or initiate activities that foster a sense of unity and growth in faith among your peers?
Considering the concept of Jesus as our ultimate King and His kingdom that transcends earthly realms, how does this influence your view of earthly leadership and governance? In what ways can you align your daily actions and decisions with the principles of Christ's kingdom, especially in contexts where earthly leadership may conflict with your faith values?
DO THIS: Join or lead in the community.

PRAY THIS: Father, guide me to actively engage in and nurture my spiritual community, reflecting the unity and love found in Your kingdom. Grant me wisdom and strength to live out Your principles, honoring Jesus as my King in every aspect of my life. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Every Hour.

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